Korean Female Voice Vol2 (RVMPE, RVC2, 1000Epochs)

Created: April 9, 2024
Korean Female Voice Vol2 (RVMPE, RVC2, 1000Epochs)

Information :

Model :
Model Name : Korean Female Voice Vol2

Train info :
1000 Epochs
Batch size per GPU : 12

Dataset - source Info :
9 mins of Speech
1 min of Sing

Dataset - source correction :
Pretrained by KLM v7

Model Link : https://huggingface.co/SeoulStreamingStation/IU-Voice-MultiLanguage-V1/resolve/main/KoreanGirl_KLMv7.zip?download=true

Additional Details:

Tags: No tags available

Download Link: https://huggingface.co/SeoulStreamingStation/IU-Voice-MultiLanguage-V1/resolve/main/KoreanGirl_KLMv7.zip?download=true