β Welcome to the Future β Since my Friend <@631338968121868319> Had Already Made This, but I decide to make my version of this voice model, which I can tell you the quality is actually quite great, or <@996154959030657134> If you are seeing this what Mrs Melisha Tweedy Voice Models do you prefer me or my friend <@631338968121868319> , Donβt Forget to Credit Me If Used or Else you will be turn into a pie or a nugget! Dataset contains 4 minutes and 23 seconds of isolated vocal dialogue ripped from the film ( Chicken Run ) and the Dawn Of The Nugget Film itself. Model Link: https://huggingface.co/JoeBacon/MrsMelishaTweedy/resolve/main/MrsMelishaTweedyV2.zip?download=true
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Download Link: https://huggingface.co/JoeBacon/MrsMelishaTweedy/resolve/main/MrsMelishaTweedyV2.zip?download=true